遇見,是千百輪迴裡的註定 尋一種恆永的距離和溫度 沒有幕前幕後、因緣聚散的桎梧 沒有星光燦爛、峰迴路轉的起伏 走過暗夜,走過孤獨,走過等候 陪伴,像一首難以忘懷的短歌 在黃昏的歸途輕唱 在暝思的感應中想念 在鉛華落盡時 仍有人,真心為伴 看歲月和宿願向旅人招手 邀請生命與生命對話 走一趟彩虹的旅程 共度心與心的深遂 無計陽光、歡笑、陰暗、淚水之後的總和 沒有別離,沒有遺憾,沒有心碎 在時間裡埋藏發亮的種子 在遺忘和追尋的路上 隨處仍會萌芽出舊時的盼望 在最後的最後,燈火闌珊 仍留存在那心底,最初的 一個朋友
(文:愛德華) If Tomorrow Never Comes 愛在今天 Ronan Keating 羅南 So metimes late at night I lie awake and watch her sleeping She's lost in peaceful dreams So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark And the thought crosses my mind If I never wake up in the morning If tomorrow never comes Will she know how much I loved her Did I try in every way to show her every day That she's my only one And if my time on earth were through 如果哪天我離開這世界 And she must face this world without me Is the love I gave her in the past Gonna be enough to last If tomorrow never comes Cause I've lost loved ones in my life Who never knew how much I loved them Now I live with the regret That my true feelings for them never were revealed So I made a promise to myself To say each day how much she means to me And avoid that circumstance Where there's no second chance to tell her how I feel If tomorrow never comes Will she know how much I loved her Did I try in every way to show her every day That she's my only one And if my time on earth were through And she must face this world without me So tell that someone that you love If tomorrow never comes 因為愛在今天 |