2011年1月4日 星期二

Shadow Dancing



流行音樂史上的遍遍風度美少年,Bee Gees家族最小的弟弟,少年得志,Andy曾經是樂壇上的萬人迷,可惜後勁不繼,意志消沉,沉淪毒海,引致心臟病發,享年三十歲,令人嘆息。

Andy195835在英國出生。受了家族的影響,從少便對音樂有天份,早年已組成樂隊在酒吧,俱樂部演唱,後來推出第一張創作細碟「words and music,在流行樂壇上漸露頭角。Andy18歲那年(1976)結婚並育有一女。

由於得到Bee Gees的經理人「Robert Stigwood」的賞識,1977年推出處女大碟「Flowing Rivers」。大碟內包括成名作「I just want to be your everything」和「 (love is) thicker than water」兩首超級大熱之作,這二首歌在很多流行榜上都取得第一名,Andy還憑這張大碟拿到葛萊美最佳新人獎,以新人來說實在成績驕人。幕後功臣當然要歸功於Bee Gees兄弟的全力幫助,Andy的作曲才華也得到確定。Andy的歌曲充滿著濃烈的Bee Gees味道,甚至更加發揚光大,可說集四兄弟精華之大成。7780年的4年是Andy人生事業的最高峰,同樣也是Bee Gees事業的顛峰,可以說七十年代末的世界流行樂壇是Bee Gees家族的天下。好景不常,踏入80年代後,Bee Gees的聲勢開始滑落,Andy的命運也一樣。過早的名成利就和五光十色的娛樂圈生活,Andy沉迷酒精和毒品,最難過的是和Victoria Principal的分手令Andy從此一厥不振。1987Andy因理財不善而宣佈破產,債項超過100萬美金,Andy雪上加霜。

踏入1988,經過一輪戒毒和重新振作後,Andy重新投入灌錄唱片,但不幸於310日因嚴重胃痛引致心臟病發,310日與世長辭。Andy的逝世,最傷心的莫過於大哥Barry,Andy不論外形和聲線都是眾兄弟中和Barry最相似的,所以一直以來他都當Andy是親生兒子一般愛護。前數年Bee Gees在演唱會中以先進的剪接技巧把Andy生前的片段展現眼前,(our love) don't throw it all away作背景音樂,令人傷感落淚。



Shadow Dancing - Andy Gibb

You got me looking at that heaven in your eyes
I was chasing your direction
I was telling you no lies
And I was loving you
When the words you said
Baby, I lose my head
And in a world of people
There's only you and I
There ain't nothing come between us in the end
Can I hold you when you ain't even mine
Only you can see me through
I leave it up to you

Do it light, taking me through the night
Shadow dancing
Baby you do it right
Give me more, drag me across the floor
Shadow dancing
All this and nothing more

All that I need is just one moment in your arms
I was chasing your affection
I was doing you no harm
And I was loving you
Make it shine, make it rain
Baby I know my way
I need that sweet sensation
Of living in your love
I can't breath when you're away
It pulls me down
You are the question and the answer am I
Only you can see me through
I leave it up to you

Do it light, taking me through the night
Shadow dancing,
baby you do it right
Give me more, drag me across the floor
Shadow dancing

All this and nothing more
And in this world of people there's only you and I
There ain't nothing come between us in the end
How can I hold you when you ain't even mine
Only you can see me through
I leave it up to you

Do it light, taking me through the night
Shadow dancing
Baby you do it right
Give me more, drag me across the floor
Shadow dancing
All this and nothing more




1 則留言:

  1. Wendy 午安~



    [版主回覆01/06/2011 23:27:47]天氣寒冷~動動跳跳舞也是美事喔~~Alice你說對嗎?
